Before class
- "Temporary Work, Lasting Harm" by Michael Grabell, Olga Pierce and Jeff Larson, ProPublica, 2013. Presented by Joanna Bernstein.
- "An Empty Desk Epidemic" by David Jackson, Gary Marx and Alex Richards, Chicago Tribune, 2012. Presented by Melissa Hirsch.
Review videos (and the handouts in Resources)
Your background in Excel will determine how much of these tutorials you feel you need to review. You are expected to know how to filter data tables, create a pivot table with comparative percentages, do math on dates and times, and use formulas to split a name and look up a value. Each of these tutorials focuses on a different skill. Look at the resources below for compilations of tip sheets that will review the ideas for you.
- Using Excel as a database: Filtering and pivot tables.
- Advanced Excel skills: lookups and date math
- Advanced Excel skills: ranking and grouping into categories
In class
- Reading presentations
- Demonstration of some things you'll know how to do by the end of the semester
- Lab on story memo or Excel skills -- students' choice
- Example data set: Iowa Republican primary results
Tip sheets for spreadsheets
- Mary Jo Webster's "My Favorite (Excel) Things" handout, a classic.
- Filtering and pivot tables in Excel. This is for Windows, so it will look a little different than on your screen, but the concepts are the same.